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Prembagh Bawr


The bawr is situated in the lovebagh union.


Abhaynagar Upazila can be transported by motorbike or ezeebike.


Abhaynagar Upazila can be transported by motorbike or ezeebike.


Bawrut is located in Prembag union of Abhaynagar upazila. The area of ​​Prembagh Baor is 110 ha. The native species of the fishes are rich lovebags. The activities of establishing a sanctuary in this area have started. If indigestion is established, then the fish species will be increased in the endangered species of fish and other types of fish. Bawrat is now run under the district administration and lease is given to local beneficiaries after every three years. In the winter there is a gathering of domestic and foreign guest birds.